On the first day of 2021, three Eastern Bluebirds came to visit. It was the first time we have ever seen bluebirds on our feeders. Perhaps winter berry crops have been sparse and they were forced to expand their foraging from the forest into urban backyards. Their interest was probably piqued by the presence of the typical seed eaters, the sparrows and juncos, chickadees and titmice, and found (to their great surprise and pleasure) dried pieces of fruit embedded in a Supreme seed cylinder. So their presence was probably due to mundane reasons. But, even though I am not a believer in supernatural forces, I could not help but feel that the appearance of these beautiful creatures was a harbinger of good things to come in the new year. As Emily Dickinson wrote, hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.
It is always a pleasure to display my art in my hometown, Wichita, so I am happy to say that my painting "Shooting the Breeze" was accepted in the annual Oil Painting Exhibition at the Wichita Center for the Arts. The show will run from January 29 through March 27. At this time, attendance is by appointment only.
It is always a pleasure to display my art in my hometown, Wichita, so I am happy to say that my painting "Shooting the Breeze" was accepted in the annual Oil Painting Exhibition at the Wichita Center for the Arts. The show will run from January 29 through March 27. At this time, attendance is by appointment only.